Thursday, November 20, 2014

Saying Goodbye

I've been silent for awhile due to my best friend, Ellie, being terminally ill. She passed away last week. She had been suffering from Cancer for a long time, and she finally gave up the good fight. Her death has me remembering all the wonderful, remarkable times we had together--56 years of them. Whew! Has it really been 56 years? We met when I was 12, and she was 11, so I guess it has. It was a friendship that endured from the 1950's until now. And during all that time, I'm proud to say we only had one argument. 56 years with only one argument? Again, whew! How many people can say that?

Ellie was the kindest, most caring, and decent person I've ever known, (next to my best friend, Sheila), and I miss her. She was truly my "other world" soul mate (her hubby, Larry, took the prize of her soul mate while here on Earth). She was my biggest fan and supporter (again, next to Sheila), and I like to think I returned the favor. 

Though she's moved back to the astral world, I can still feel her all around me. Not even death can part soul mates, you know. I'm sure I'll see her again on some distant plane, and we'll forge a new friendship. We'll go out and live those new adventures with as much fun and zest as we did this lifetime.

As you know, I've always tried to make this blog center around the theme of Between Two Worlds. And today, that theme is more relevant than ever, because Ellie is one world and I'm in another. Yet the connection between her and I stands strong. She knows she can "communicate" with me through one of my Tarot card readings, or influence me through the characters in my novels. I must admit I look forward to her bold, brassy insights--even if they're just bubbling up from my sub-conscious. It means our friendship hasn't been broken, and never will be.

I love you, Ellie. And when you're not busy bossing everyone around over there, let me know how you are...