Friday, November 11, 2016


If nothing else the recent election proved that my blog title couldn't be more relevant--or scary.  Between Two Worlds. Appropos, yes? Thanks to an ugly, hateful election campaign, a definite yes. And in light of the protests still occurring, we are a country divided by two worlds--the human and the spiritual. Though I am a Republican, I didn't vote for Mr. Trump. Not because of the issues; I believe in the Republican issues. I voted Democrat because I felt it was the lesser of two evils. Do I like Hillary? Not so much. Do I like Mr. Trump? Not so much. But then that was the consensus of most of the country, voting against someone, rather than FOR someone.

Because of that dilemma, the only question I've asked since the initial election campaigns started is: how did we get to be such a hateful, vindictive people, in such a hateful, vindictive world? When did it all change? Can't say. I'm 71 years old, and to be truthful, I never saw it coming--a thing a senior never likes to admit. After all, getting older used to mean getting wiser.  Ah, there's the rub! 

In the end, how will it all play out? Really, honestly, truly, I think only God knows. (There's the spiritual world). The only thing I know is that a country divided cannot stand. And that is a bad, scary thing. Being gracious, and open-minded is a good thing, though. Trusting that God knows what he's doing is a good thing too. If you think of it, the election and current President Elect Trump may be a test from God. Will we pass the test? That answer remains cloaked in mystery--for another day, another story.