Sunday, October 25, 2015

Book Marketing Online Course

I'm in the middle of a book marketing course and it's wonderful how much I don't know about writing and marketing. Why do I  say it's wonderful? Because my ignorance has given me a new perspective on my writing, and a whole bunch of new friends who struggle with the same issues I do. Together we are mentoring and being mentored at the same time. The adage that often the teacher becomes the student and vice versa is currently coming true. More importantly, I see that all of us taking the course have more in common than we have different. That insight will help me down the road--in keeping my characters real and vibrantly involved in their fictional lives. They will be focused, reminding me to be focused on a target audience when the story is completed and finally in print.

As much as I dislike the internet world at times, I must admit that it has its good side. On any given day, it brings together people (from all over the world) to experience the same moment at the same time and be rejuvenated by the connection. I think when you're writing paranormal romance novels like I do, connections are everything, especially between the hero and heroine personally, and the storyline spiritually....So, needless to say, taking an online course I was skeptical about taking at first, has surprised me. But it has given me a fabulous connection to a  group of strangers doing what I love to do everyday--writing stories that help people escape their problems for a few hours, or educating them to a world they've never thought existed. Either way, the goal is to create a highly entertaining story for the reader. Taking this online course proves writers' skills are limitless when it comes to selling the message to a loyal readership.

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