Monday, December 12, 2016

Psychic Powers Anyone?

What if you had the ability to experience any moment of another person’s life? Would you use the knowledge wisely? Or would you use it for your own personal gain?

In my new novel, Sanctuary, Empath Sonny Blake possesses such a power. She only has to touch a person to know and see a specific event (past or future) of that person’s life. And because that ability is rarely wrong, she has become the next victim on a madman’s hit list.

Enter handsome Meta Corps agent Logan Reed to her rescue. Or so he thinks. His arrival sends the pair down a rabbit hole filled with secrets, lies, and a mysterious project called “Pandora”—and of course, a growing sexual attraction.

In this crazy world we live in today, I wonder whether having the ability to see and know a person’s future is a good thing. Perhaps, the old adage is right. Ignorance is bliss, and what we don’t know can’t hurt us.

I like to think though, that if I possessed Sonny’s power, I’d use it to help others rather than exploit them. But again, the point is moot, because having such a power is more curse than gift—people clamoring for your skills, press hounds exploiting you for tomorrow’s flashiest headline. No, in retrospect, knowing a person’s past or future is not a thing to be wished for. In the long run, there’s something to be said for a life filled with nothing but genuine surprises.







Friday, November 11, 2016


If nothing else the recent election proved that my blog title couldn't be more relevant--or scary.  Between Two Worlds. Appropos, yes? Thanks to an ugly, hateful election campaign, a definite yes. And in light of the protests still occurring, we are a country divided by two worlds--the human and the spiritual. Though I am a Republican, I didn't vote for Mr. Trump. Not because of the issues; I believe in the Republican issues. I voted Democrat because I felt it was the lesser of two evils. Do I like Hillary? Not so much. Do I like Mr. Trump? Not so much. But then that was the consensus of most of the country, voting against someone, rather than FOR someone.

Because of that dilemma, the only question I've asked since the initial election campaigns started is: how did we get to be such a hateful, vindictive people, in such a hateful, vindictive world? When did it all change? Can't say. I'm 71 years old, and to be truthful, I never saw it coming--a thing a senior never likes to admit. After all, getting older used to mean getting wiser.  Ah, there's the rub! 

In the end, how will it all play out? Really, honestly, truly, I think only God knows. (There's the spiritual world). The only thing I know is that a country divided cannot stand. And that is a bad, scary thing. Being gracious, and open-minded is a good thing, though. Trusting that God knows what he's doing is a good thing too. If you think of it, the election and current President Elect Trump may be a test from God. Will we pass the test? That answer remains cloaked in mystery--for another day, another story.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Mystical Love

Good News travels fast. Isn't that the old adage? Well, I have some good news to share with you and hopefully, you'll share it with others. After all, the internet is the fastest vehicle on Earth that we know. So, what's my good news? Only that my three books, The Kindred, The Sacred Circle and Sanctuary have been bundled together under the name of "Mystical Love"  and that the bundle can now be downloaded through Amazon and most major retailers. Woo-hoo! Give me a great, big slap on the back!

It is a real thrill for me to see Spirit at work, as things on the home front are stressed right now and my time on promoting my books is limited. However, it's at times like this that I realize that we all live "between two worlds"--spiritual and physical--every single day, and we mustn't give up hope ever. Even when things seem at a standstill, The Wheel of Fortune is turning. This knowledge has sustained me in the last few months when my faith in God and the Spirit World has been sorely tested. Can you say let's all get together and have a pity party? Nah, there's no time for such a negative way of life. It's onward and upward.  Damn the torpedoes! Full Speed Ahead!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Book Bragging

I've been away from social media for a long time solving family issues, but spirit has been hard at work promoting my books in my stead.  My first book, The Kindred, is now part of an "Across Time" bundle; my second book, The Sacred Circle, is part of a "Magic & Mayhem" bundle; and my third book, Sanctuary, is being released as we speak in a bundle entitled: "Jinxed by Love". (See Sidebars)

It's been awesome to rely on spirit during this frenetic time and I realize that my blog  theme of "Between Two Worlds" is aptly named. I'm between two worlds as writer and caregiver, while my sister is between two worlds of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Has this new dynamic changed our relationship for the better or worse? That answer is still unfolding, and more than I could cite in a simple blog.

Needless to say, life loves to throw us unexpected calamities--all as part of soul tests. I realize now that how we react to those calamities reveals our character in ways you can't imagine until you're in the midst of the battle and feel yourself "going down with the ship". It raises the question. "Do I sink or swim?". So far, I don't have a sure-fire answer to the question, but I'm hanging in and hanging on, which is probably a testament to my character (something I haven't thought about in years). was a pleasant, exhilarating surprise to see my book taking on a new life with new friends. A nice surprise in a world full of ugly surprises....

Hopefully, if you love paranormal romance as much as I do, you'll go to and purchase one of the bundles. You'll be entertained six times rather than once.