Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Magic and Mayhem

Some days being a writer is nothing but frustration, disappointment, and the desire to chuck your writing life and go do something easier with your time. But then your heart reminds your head that if it was TOO easy, there'd be no satisfaction in doing it. It's the hard things we do that define our lives, as well as show us that words strung together in a specific manner, can have a far-reaching impact on the person reading those words.  So, on those frustrating, disappointing days, I let my head and heart each have a say in what I'm writing (or editing), and before I know it, I'm in the writing "zone" again, feeling refreshed and renewed.

And then there are those days when you get  an E-Mail from your publisher which reveals that your book is now part of a wonderful box set of other paranormal romance novels. They send you the cover of the box (which is awesome), and you feel that same euphoric high you felt when the book was first published on its own. Why? I think it's because your work is now part of a much bigger family. You are in tune with other writers who had frustrating, disappointing days, and rather than chucking it all, they let their whole being spur them on.

Having said that, take a peek at the cover of the box set that "The Kindred" is now a part of. Magic and Mayhem--uh, yes, an apt title for the novels bundled together. I am so proud to be part of this set of novels, and I'm so proud that seven other writers have become members of my "writing world".

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